Sunday 14 October 2012

Eid Adha

Salam Eid Adha that will be approaching soon ^^
Do you know why there's this Eid?
It is related to sacrifice.
In Al-Quran, Surah As-Saffat from 84-112

today i learnt about sacrifice.
do you realize that sacrifice is something universal?
almost everything that you do, you will need to sacrifice something
like to buy a thing you have to sacrifice your money
to see someone you will need to sacrifice your time
for knowledge you have to sacrifice your comfort zone
so, everything that you do, you have sacrificed something
and you don't need to feel regret
because He will give you a lot of better things ahead :)

and I learnt today to accept anything that will happen to me
recently, i felt like no, i don't want to face it
but then, today's meeting i realize,
everyone, even prophets accepted something that they don't want to
because He knows, He planned everything ahead and perfectly
I have to be patience and insya Allah I will accept everything that will happen to me or in my surrounding
I believe in Him

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